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Thanks guys. I don't really know what I feel angry about exactly. There's a few things but I can't really say them on here I don't think. But I guess maybe I'm just angry at myself for stuff which then for some reason makes me angry at them? But then I'm also angry at them for stuff they say and do? Idk. I really wish I could talk about it but I really struggle to talk about family stuff because I feel like it's all my fault and I don't want people to think otherwise? Idk. Like I really do have a good family and shouldn't feel like this but I do and yeah idk. I'm just very protective of them and so scared of people thinking bad things about them that when something does happen I'm too scared to talk about it because it's probably just me being too emotional anyway and not their fault. Idk. Its hard to explain. I guess one thing that really made me angry and upset me was they were on their phones so much while they were here. Like if we went out to dinner they were on their phones, if we were chilling out they were on their phones. Idk. We did a bit of outdoor stuff and the only times I could get them to be off them was if they were physically doing something. It just made me feel so much more worthless and like they didn't care about seeing me. Like I know that's not true and they enjoyed being here but yeah, I can't stand people being on their phones at social things, especially at a fucking dinner table!!! Like talk to the goddam person in front of you or just don't go out in the first place. So that's a small thing that I can talk about on here that made me angry 😂 The rest is very emotionally charged and not really good stuff so I'm not sure it's safe for the forums so will steer clear of it just to be on the safe side! 


Thanks Eden. I think I will probably just go back to sleep soon cause I'm not quite sure what's happening atm 😂

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