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1. If you were a type of dance or dance move, what would you be?

I would be the splits!! (Idk if this is a dance move but it’s my party trick)

2. What's your favourite species of dinosaur?

Triceratops- think they’re kind of cute

3. What's your favourite sport (e.g. to watch/play/listen to/other)?

Not really a huge sport fan but I don’t mind going to the footy occasionally

4. What qualities do you admire in a friend?

The big one for me is loyalty- this is a quality that I try to maintain in all friendships as I think it’s so important! For me it’s really comforting to know that what someone is saying to you is what they would also be saying to others. 

5. What's a goal (big or small!) you might like to work towards this month?

Getting a bit chunk of my thesis done!

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