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Hi @charlotte_ashley , 


We are so deeply sorry to read that you've been experiencing those thoughts of wanting to take your life for several years- reading your post, I can hear how strong you are, and I really admire you for sharing your story and what you've learned. I also absolutely love that quote - it's also one of my favourite pieces of music! 


It sounds like you've been through so much for someone so young, but I can  hear that you're also wanting to use your experiences to help other people who may be suffering in silence. That is a brave and powerful thing to do 💜


I'm wondering if you're currently seeing any professionals to help you through these tough times ?  Music is also so powerful for me, it's seen me through some really difficult times in my life. Do you have any favourite musicians? Ben Harper does a beautiful version of a piece of music based around the words you've shared. 


We're happy that you've found our community @charlotte_ashley , I'll also be sending you an email later today, so just keep an eye out for that. 


Thanks so much for sharing your story here


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