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Hey @Saltwaterdreamtime I'm sorry you're feeling so down about yourself 😞 I sometimes struggle with eating and body image stuff too and it can make you feel so shitty about yourself 😞 On top of this is sounds like you're blaming yourself for getting hurt- I'm not entirely sure what happened but I think you mentioned injuring your back and not being able to work? Am I remembering that correctly? It's not your fault you got injured 😞 You're not useless or fat or lazy- no one deserves to be called those things. You're having a really tough time at the moment and doing the best you can. I think you've got two little ones at home? I can't imagine it's easy to raise a kid let alone two with all of this going on as well as covid and everything.


Eating a lot of stuff all at once can be a way of coping with really tough emotions and feeling like we have control over something. Is it like this for you? Has this kind of thing happened before?


Oh also I just added a trigger warning cause of talking about the eating/body image stuff I hope that's okay

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