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Hi @Cdixi


You don't sound mean at all, thank you for reaching out to us. You're more than welcome to vent here. It can be so difficult to maintain friendships when we go to different schools. I can definitely relate to your experience of drifting away from friends who go to a different high school, and I think a lot of other people would as well. @Portia_RO made a really good suggestion about discussing this with her, would this be something you'd be willing to do?


People should never judge you based on how much food you eat. It is a normal and essential part of our lives, and how much we eat differs from person to person. Unfortunately, society nowadays is very fixated on how we look, so it's disheartening to see that people are also commenting on your appearance. It must also be challenging to be frequently referred to as a bubbly and happy person. It's totally valid to feel and express other emotions as well. It's not fair that you feel the need to maintain a happy attitude.


You mentioned that you self-harm, I was wondering if you would be open to talking about this with someone you trust, or a mental health professional?


Please feel free to talk to us more if you'd like, we're here for you ❤️❤️❤️

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