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Super frequent scribe

Hi @MB95 ,


It must be so hard to do this alone and without supports. You are an absolute juggernaut to have done so well so far!


I would really encourage you to open up somewhat to your supervisor about what is going on.


You don't have to tell them everything, you know what your limits are. But things such as tearing up, feeling disconnected, feeling triggered at work. These are all very normal things to happen in the course of support work or counselling.


It's happened to me, it's happened to every clinician, 100% guaranteed.   


I have cried at work before after a difficult intervention (while working in a different role). It does happen.


That is where your supervisor can support you, they can help you work on boundaries, know your trigger areas, watch your blind spots to tell you when they think you need to slow down. 


I have spoken to many supervisors about this exact thing before, and we always just talk through it. I have found it feels alot better afterwards. 


You are doing good, trust me! 😁



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