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Hey @MB95 I'm sorry today was such a shitty day for you and you've been having those urges 😞 How are you feeling now? That sucks your housemate's puppy was biting you, they can be so cheeky at that age (not that I've ever had a dog, but I've encountered some hyperactive bitey pups 😛 ) Of course we can actually grow plants 🌱 what type of plant seeds should I get? 😞 Doing it a favour? I can hear how hard things are for you atm... I don't think you'd be doing it a favour, there are so many things that are good in this world hey? We gotta remember that when stuff is so hard. There is always, always light. And I reckon a plant adds some kind of beauty to the world and they can grow in conditions you wouldn't think they could. You just gotta believe in them and treat em right! 😛 Okay I know that's so cringey but it's something I kind of need to hear right now so I'm hoping it might help you too sorry if it doesn't and is too cringe. Idk sometimes when I can't find laughter or hope, looking at how cool or pretty the little things are helps me. Sorry I'm not much help today but I'm listening ❤️

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