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@Mango_Dove Hi there! I'm a bit late to the party but can relate exactly to what you're feeling- I've been there in the all girls school! For me I recognised that I didn't feel any difference distinctly in my level of attraction between guys and girls and that allowed me to start to interpret my feelings. Apparently my friend also figured out her sexuality by me telling her some joke about 'if you check out a girl when they walk past you might not be straight' 😂 So memes actually were a great source of knowledge! Finally, for me I ended up talking to the straightest person I know (lol) and found out from that discussion that I definitely was NOT as straight as her. I now identify as asexual/bisexual-romantic and a lot of it has involved discussing anecdotal experiences with LGBTQIA++ friends and reading online. I hope the resources linked below help you out!

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