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Aww man, it sounds like you had a real rough night!! Maybe the adrenalin of no sleep is kicking in and that's where this energy is coming from? Do you reckon you  an try make yourself stay awake all day today and keep busy so that maybe you just pass out early tonight and get a decent sleep? Not sure if it'll work but could be worth a try? 


I hope your OCD thoughts give you a bit of a break today!! I am happy to do the scavenger hunt with you today. I won't be home till like 5:30pm though so can do it then? I am going to try and go walk at a difference place to see if that helps. I've gotta do it at some stage so maybe this is the push I need! I'm about to head off but will check in with you this arvo to see how you're feeling. No pressure, if you change your mind we can just go another day or not do it at all either. Whatever works for you!! 💙 


(Just quietly, I feel like I'm smashing it here at boundaires.. ahaha or at least I'm trying my best too!! 😂


Hope you have a decent day! ❤

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