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Lol I'm so confused 😅 I meant like draw something dark that would breach the guidelines but now I'm imagining a drawing of us literally breaking the guidelines 😂 Like 90% of the time I think I'm funny without meaning to be


HAHAHA I'm glad you figured out the autosave part of the reply thing cause the novels are great! Yes I think I'm feeling invalidated



Yeah I thought we were being playful and she was pretending to be hurt cause she was really overexaggerating? But maybe she actually was hurt idk? But like then I was just chilling and she hurt me I think maybe she meant it as playful but I asked her to stop and she kept at it and then I burst into tears 😂

I really don't know if I hurt her cause I meant to turn on the lamp by reaching over her if that makes sense and then she was trying to turn it off and yeah it felt playful cause we ended up both laughing? Maybe it wasn't okay for her and she was more upset than I thought?

Anyway I was acting really annoying and not giving her space so I don't really blame her I can be really childish

Lol I mean I don't really have a lot going on I don't really know why I was crying. Mum asked if I was hormonal 😂 I'm not but even if I was that is not a nice thing to say ughh. I mean, sure, something is going wrong with my emotions cause like the day I got no sleep I started laughing for like 5 minutes at something mum was watching. Also, she was angry at me for not sleeping and asked if I should go to hospital and get deep sleep therapy (I hope she doesn't know what that is cause that would be such an effed up thing to say, like it was an old treatment that was unethical and dangerous, maybe she doesn't know that though) and she always asks me 'how's your depression' like I feel she may be coming from a place of concern but it sounds kind of mean to me. Like I'll tell her I'm good and she'll be like 'but you're not are you look at you' or something like that. And then minutes later she'll tell me to shut up or go away ??? So random and confusing. But like I'm not the easiest person to live with so I get it

 No you're pretty much on the mark with everything there you're gonna be such a good OT/psych/???



hipster lol GIF

this is a gif for wise sloth apparently lol

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