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Yeah it would be really hard with that nagging feeling 😞 I'm really sorry you had that experience in hospital that would be a horrible thing to ring around your head 😞 It was a really messed up and wrong thing for them to say. It would be really hard with experiencing so many mixed messages 😞


That would be really scary with thinking if you choose something to believe you could be wrong. Like it sounds really complicated- it sounds like there would be unintended consequences whether you believe the mental health side of things or the magic powers side of things?


I think you said once that with your ocd stuff it got so bad that eventually you had to just say 'so what if it happens' like even if it was a really bad thing? Like there was only so much you could know and control? Am I remembering that right? Could that sort of radical acceptance be applied here or not really?


I just thought of a really weird analogy I'm sorry if this is super weird and unhelpful please tell me if that's the case and ignore this. But like with choosing to believe something that shapes your world view and could have consequences I am kind of reminded of religion? Like I'm not religious but in certain religions they believe there are really bad consequences of not believing and if that's the case I'm probably doomed. But what makes me more comfortable is not being religious because it feels right and makes more sense for me? Like sure there is the possibility that I'm wrong, I mean we barely know anything about the world. But like at the moment the best way for me to function is by not believing in any religion?


But like with this stuff it sounds like it's a lot harder because there's so much evidence for you for both sides? And like the consequences sound like they seem more immediate? Idk it's really hard 😞

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