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Hi @Betty123 !


Glad to hear you are back! Always lovely to see our community be a safe space for people. I hope you are having a good week so far and have stayed safe.


Feeling like you may be closing up again isn't something necessarily bad. We all go through our cycles of feeling like talking to people, and then feeling like we need to just be with ourselves if that's what we are comfortable with. It may be that you want to protect yourself more, you're being more cautious, you're being prepared in case something else happens. These thoughts are not exactly bad, as long as you don't let them hold you back and run you.


I have definitely found it hard in the past to open up and express myself, even if nothing was wrong. I just found myself in a mood to not be as sharing. Overtime for me personally, It did go away, but I also tried to push myself in terms of my boundaries to allow other people into my life. Something you can maybe try is even if you can't see yourself opening up to others, you can journal or write to yourself about your thoughts and concerns that way you still have an outlet even when closed up.


Stay strong friend!




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