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I don't really journal that often but maybe @Emily-RO🙂


Lol yeah it does make sense @Eden1717 but maybe it was just me idk. I went for a walk today and then had a volunteering thing and that was fun! What have you been up to?


Aww no @MB95 what are you talking about you haven't been a bad friend! You're an amazing friend ❤️ 😞 I would much rather you take care of you right now okay? Please don't feel bad I'm just worried about you and want you to feel safe! Is it okay if I ask how long we have?- I want to finish the drawing by then! (although I might have to post it later but hopefully you'll be able to see it if you look at the website? Sorry I can be a bit slow at drawing sometimes.. I will try my best to get it done on time! Also I hope the drawing helps rather than triggers you


Anyway really you don't have to apologise- you haven't done anything wrong! 😞

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