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Hey @Eden1717 I'm sorry today (or well yesterday) was such a bad day. That sounds so frightening with the walls moving and hearing things 😞 It would be even more unsettling not being able to communicate about what's been going on... If I thought my thoughts were being tampered with I would be so scared and freaked out! 😞 Do you want to talk more about the scary stuff or uni or anything? We're here to listen


It's really good you're trying to distract yourself with netflix but it sounds like it would be pretty hard to concentrate... I know music sometimes helps, have you been trying music?


What's chicago med about 🙂 ? Are you seeing any supports next week? Did you hear back from your friend? 😞 (sorry if this is too many questions, I know you said distraction helps so I'm trying to help distract you!)

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