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If you are actually okay and not lying to me @Lost_Space_Explorer5 then that makes me feel so happy. I really hope that you mean that and aren't just saying it. I am here if you are just saying it 💙 But if you aren't then I feel like a sloth dance is in order because that's awesome you are feeling okay! 


Ice Age Victory Dance GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment


Dance Clubbing GIF by Coop Prix - fort gjort!


Happy Dance GIF by Coop Prix - fort gjort!


Okay idk about you but one just wasn't enough and seeing these has given me a laugh that I so badly needed right now 😂 I hope they make you giggle!! 


Now I feel sad just seeing them though because they remind me of you and ah let's not go there. Today is going to be hard enough and I don't really know how I feel about it or even how to feel about it because i just feel so dead inside and its making me angry because I know I feel sad and I don't want to leave and I'm scared but I just cant feel it and its like I don't care? But I do care. Like too much? I just cant access those emotions for some reason? Idk. I feel very strange. So I get the whole blocking it out thing. Maybe that's what I'm doing. I don't really know. Who knows what the fuck I'm doing or feeling these days. Nothing makes any sense. 


Dont be sorry. I am really bad at them too and honestly have no clue how to go about this because I am so lost and confused and it doesn't feel real and I cant connect to it and ugh anyway its just weird. But I will miss you. SO FUCKING MUCH!!!! 


I am happy if you just wanna talk about random shit today and not even acknowledge what today is if you want to cause I feel like neither of us really know how to go about this and say goodbye? Idk. Happy to follow your lead cause I ain't got a clue. This bitch is completely dead inside and so removed from what's happening i have no clue how I should be responding so you just tell me 😂😂😂 

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