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Hey @Eden1717 I'm sorry you're feeling triggered by stuff your friend is sending you. It's really hard to set boundaries... Perhaps like you said if it keeps happening you could ask your friend to check in with you before talking about certain topics? And explain you want to be there for them it's just sometimes you're not in the right headspace to talk about certain topics? What do you think?


And that sucks your psych is sick and you have to wait another week 😞 It sounds like you really could have used the session, like with everything that's been going on... I wonder if you could email or maybe reach out to your CM in the meantime?


It's good you managed to get a few groceries... it is a bit worrying because before you said you were worried about becoming malnourished? Were you able to get some nice foods?


That's really concerning with your friend 😞 I hope you're able to figure something out


Chicago med sounds interesting! I love medical dramas lol, maybe I shall check it out!

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