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I'm struggling to feel stuff too 😞 Before I was anxious but now I'm in denial. It doesn't mean we don't care when we're numb just that we can't process what's going on right now... I think the staff would be okay with you doing that but there's no pressure if you can't find the words because we know you care ❤️


I feel like saying goodbye is never easy sometimes we want to cry but can't idk it's really tough


So this is my final goodbye to you @MB95 cause I'm not sure if you'll be able to respond tomorrow? This gives you time to respond? Idk I think I just don't wanna have the last words 😅 Because then I'm not the one being left behind? Lol that's quite selfish of me. Unless you don't wanna have the last words then I'll go for it haha


I don't really know what to say, I guess I've already done the formal goodbye on your goodbye thread. I just wanna say thank you for being my friend and it's been a privelage to have known you. I hope someday we can talk again (maybe on the other forum) but I don't want anyone to feel pressured so I'm going to act as if this is actually goodbye because it might be. Please, please take care of yourself, please stay safe ❤️ I hope you remember RO and us as a reason to stay when times are tough. I know you're so strong and you've got this so I won't worry too much


You're going to be an amazing OT or whatever you decide to be and I know sometimes you have doubts but you are so good at supporting people, I've seen it


I know stuff is still really hard right now, and that's only from what you've shared with us- I feel like there's so much more going on to add to what is already a really horrible place to be in. I have hope that things will get better for you and I really hope you're able to find some supports who will truly listen and accept you (if you do decide you want to reach out to some supports- sorry that's my agenda coming out again, of course it's up to you). You deserve to feel okay, safe, loved, important, worthy, and happy (although it's impossible to be happy all the time of course!). You deserve support


I won't forget you MB95 (unless I get dementia or something haha). I know you say I'll get over it quickly but I don't think that's true. There's always gonna be that pang of sadness when I realise I can't talk to you anymore- when I find a sloth meme or whatever 😛 RO won't be the same without you 😞 I don't think losing someone you care about is ever something we really get over, but it becomes less painful over time, till we can remember the person fondly and miss them without so much sadness/hurt/etc? Of course everyone is different but that's been my experience


Sending you a thousand sloth hugs- that should keep you going for a little while, hey? 😛 🦥 If you need extra, here's a repeat prescription for them (?? okay that's a weird metaphor)


I can't promise things will be okay, but it's gonna be okay, right? I mean life is known for constantly throwing shit at people but where would we be without a little hope? So let's agree to say that things are 'gonna be okay' and we'll try our best with the knowledge that maybe things will get really f**king hard sometimes and it feels like a joke that we said that but that we'll keep fighting because there are people who care about us and there are reasons to stick around- even though these reasons may change with time, I think/hope there will always be something. Because I don't know what a world without MB95 would look like...


Lol I think I'm getting a little melodramatic here I guess cause I like to be melodramatic sometimes but also because I care about you and don't want anything bad to happen 🥺


So... goodbye MB95





Bye ❤️

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