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Self-care when you're really busy with school

Hey Everyone! This week was really difficult for me in terms of school workload, so here are some things I did on the weekend to take care of my wellbeing! 

1. Meditation: Breathing and closing my eyes really helps!

2. Calling a friend- I'm a huge texter, and so calling isn't something I do often, but I decided to this time and it went really well! It's super nice to hear someone else's voice on the phone and it always makes me feel better.

3. Cleaning my room- I know this isn't the most fun activity, but being in a clean space instantly improves my mindset instantly. Plus, I always get a good feeling after I do a task I've been procrastinating 


How are you guys? Hope you're doing well and keen to hear the ways you guys practice self care 🙂


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