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Hi @lemurien nice to hear from you again 🙂 it sounds like you're really looking at all of the parts of your life at the moment with work and study and maybe that's one of the reasons that you've started to reflect about this 2-year long relationship that you're not sure of. It sounds like despite all of your concerns, you've tried your best to be a good partner, and it seems like he's happy with you? I don't really understand what people mean about him finding someone who loves him in the 'right' way if I'm honest. I suppose this is because I'm on the ace spectrum and am in a long-term relationship which has been able to fulfil both of our needs regardless of my physical attractions. When you say you think you need to end the relationship, is it because of these same misgivings that you aren't treating your partner the way you think he deserves that you've been told by others? Or is it because you feel like this relationship isn't right for you, full stop, and it's nothing external to do with anyone or their beliefs about the relationship? I think these are the sorts of questions that might help you to tease out why and how it would be best to move on with this relationship and how to communicate it. What do you think?


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