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Hey @DramaQueen


Thank you for reaching out. How are you at the moment? ❤️

I agree with the others in that it may help us if you could tell us a little more about what you are struggling with right now, but only if you're comfortable of course.


Generally, if it's a matter of time management, I always use a planner and notifications to remind myself a little before something is due. I try to prioritise as much I can and colour code different types of obligations. 


If it's a matter of personal problems or struggling with mental health, self-care is a huge thing that can help. I understand some people say of course self-care and kind of overlook it- I was one of them- but I've really come to know how important it is. I personally enjoy going on a short walk around the block, listening to my favourite music while reading a book, taking a nice long hot shower and going through a whole skincare routine, or snuggling up to watch netflix with a hot coco. 🥰


I'm not too sure if these will help in your particular situation, but I hope it gives you some ideas of your own too!

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