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@angrylozenger thanks so much for sharing your experience with us... I'm really sorry you went through a negative experience with the person you were seeing before. It's hard to take the risk of putting yourself out there when you've been burnt before.

At the same time, it's also totally legitimate not to feel like dating is something you're ready for, or something you want in your life right now.
Either way, you know yourself best and it sounds like you have a great friendship with your brother's friend, regardless of whether you both decide to take it further or not. 


I'm not sure if it's helpful, but Love is Respect has an article here about how to know if you're ready to date. It's a US based organisation, but I thought the article was interesting because it has a list of questions to ask yourself when you're considering if you feel ready for dating or not - just in case you'd like to have a look through. 


Feel free to let us know how you go with your decision-making - we're always here to listen. 💛

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