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TW : Abusive Relationships on Social Media

Hi everyone 👋


You may have seen some content about the Amber Heard & Johnny Depp court case doing the rounds on social media, and although these two people are celebrities, the volatile relationship they shared and the abuse they are discussing is very real. Family and intimate partner violence is a confronting thing, and seeing it play out in a celebrity couple can be triggering or hard to watch, particularly for people who have experienced something similar themselves. If you aren’t sure how to feel about this court case, or it’s brought up difficult emotions for you, it’s okay to take a break from social media and mute the noise for a while. It’s also okay not to know what to think, or to be confused and uncertain.


Relationships in general can be so loving, supportive and something to be treasured. But unfortunately, that isn't always the case and a lot of people experience domestic violence (which may include physical violence, sexual assault, verbal, emotional, social, spiritual, financial and technological abuse) from their partners. It can be really difficult when you have feelings for someone, to remember what a healthy relationship looks like. When you're wearing rose tinted glasses, all the red flags just look like flags (thanks Bojack Horseman for that quote!). Some important basics we all deserve from a partner are : safety, respect, trust, support and care. What does a healthy relationship look like for you? What other things would you add to your list? 📝


It can be really confusing to experience abuse in a relationship. The feelings of love in amongst violence and/or abuse, can be an extremely difficult thing to untangle and make sense of. It's super important (although sometimes very tricky, especially if your partner is trying to convince you otherwise) to remember your worth, always. You are worthy and deserving of a partner that makes you feel that you are. What are some ways you've found helpful to give yourself a bit of a pep talk to remember how awesome you are? 💖


If you've experienced/are currently experiencing abuse in a relationship, we are always here to chat things through with you on the forums. We also have lots of helpful articles around this subject for you to check out. And if you'd like to chat to someone over the phone or via webchat - 1800RESPECT are available to provide free support 24/7.


If you feel comfortable; share your thoughts, experiences and answers to our questions below, or ask any questions you have - we'd love to hear your perspective on this topic 😊

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