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Hello @Pasta thanks for sharing a bit of your journey with us here on the forums. It sounds like you have been on a bit of a journey to explore your passions and purpose over the last few years. Finding our purpose can be a really difficult task, so it's great that you have been able to cope with not knowing this through music, photography, and solitude. I think it is also great that you felt like shooting photos could be a purpose of yours.


It sounds like it has previously been a big passion of yours, so it sucks to hear that you feel that you are losing interest. It is understandable that you have lost a bit of interest after having met your goals, as sometimes we can question what the next step/goals might be. Sounds like you are already thinking about these new goals, and hopefully the passion will start to come back! Making a youtube documentary sounds like a really exciting experience and quite a good goal to work towards 😎.

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