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Hey all!


I love a book thread! I see some great suggestions that I will definitely have to check out! I thought I would add a few more books that I have found useful or have quite enjoyed myself. 

Unwinding Anxiety is written by a neuroscientist and takes a large amount of research and makes it into a practical, digestible format, making the tips and tricks included in this book uncomplicated and easy to incorporate. The easy-to-absorb language makes this book a great read for understanding practises to help conquer your anxiety.

Unf*ck your Brain is a book that uses extremely casual, and comedic at times language (which some people may love or hate) to explore the causes of anxiety, as well as depression.

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone is a personal favourite, however it writes more of a memoir/story. This book is written by a psychotherapist, who explores the lives of her patients she seems in her clinic, as well as her own experience seeing a therapist. This book breaks down the stigmas of seeing a therapist as well as mental health itself, demonstrating how therapy can benefit us all. I found this to be a warm and engaging read!


I can't wait to read the recommendations included in the thread!

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