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Hey @Symphony7 this is a great question, and you're totally right that there's not a straightforward answer! I'm the same in that I don't really have a singular passion and could fit well into quite a few careers. I think what I've learned over time is that there isn't one perfect job for your entire life, career change is the norm these days, but there may be ones that suit you better at any given time. For example, it might be a bit hard to be a tour guide in the middle of COVID especially if anyone you know has health issues. Or maybe it's a great time since tourism is starting up again? 😅 Being an illustrator and creative artist takes a lot of work and can sometimes be more expensive than other fields because you do a lot of middle-tier qualifications, and from what I've seen from friends you have to work long hours on a portfolio and researching opportunities to even know what you'll be good at. Health jobs are super high in demand and I think there are lots of options with a TAFE qualification, and I can't say I know whether content writing is offered outside of university, but I'm sure you could find out!


There's been a couple points made about the fact that university is subsidised and you pay it off like taxes, essentially, but as someone at university it can be very stressful because you need to devote a lot of time to study and not much time to practical skill learning. If that's something you're interested in, however, there are ways to go to university while still working 😊 I saw that you already had a job that you're enjoying, and that's great. I guess another question I'd ask is how eager are you to switch careers and whether you can afford to work less to go into further study, or whether a job with a quick qualification and practical skill-building is better for you. At the end of the day, there's no 'wrong' way to go with choosing a job that follows some of your passions, especially if it can give you skills that could help in the future. Who knows, maybe one day you'll find a job that combines all of them into one!

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