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Hey @Akinna thank you for sharing with us tonight.

Firstly, I want to say how brave you are for putting yourself out there! It can be such a hard thing to open up and share your most vulnerable moments and thoughts, especially with a new psychologist. How have you found your new psychologist so far?

Talking about the hard stuff isn't an easy thing to do but it sounds like you're already taking huge steps to work toward it. You mentioned that you have no idea how to talk about the things that hurt, so I am just wondering if there are things that you do feel comfortable talking about with them? Would you feel more comfortable starting with something lighter or more easier topics and then slowly building towards these harder things? 

It sounds like there's a lot going on at the moment so don't forget to take care of yourself during this time too because you are also important. We do have a great article on Coping with the Hard stuff if you're up for a bit of a read.

Is there something nice you can do for yourself tonight to take your mind off things? 💜

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