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Hi @Akinna


Thanks for the update! I'm also quite slow on replies these days 😅


It is exciting that you're going out to meet new family and hopefully you're able to find some time during then to relax and take a break for yourself, but I know that family trips can be exhausting. Also not feeling as happy and excited as others is not necessarily a bad thing, because everyone has their own thing going on. Don't feel too bad and be hard on yourself for having to "fake it till you make", because sometimes it actually works because we learn to wire our brain and associate certain things/actions with certain emotions, but that's a conversation for another day. 


I'm glad to hear that your emails are working well and that you are making progress with your psychologist. You also mentioned not giving yourself permission to have a good day or relax. Do you mind me asking what you usually do in your spare time or generally what takes up your day on a normal basis?


All the best! 💙

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