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Questioning My Gender and How to ‘Come Out’.

Hello to everyone or anyone. How are we doing? This is my first post on anything like this but I am willing to give it a strong go.


I am a person struggling with what exactly is my gender but more importantly, how to navigate through life if I know it. 

I believe I am Trans non-binary (though AFAB). But I recognise both my feminine and masculine side. I want to be able to truely connect with my family by coming out and changing my pronouns and name but I am scared of it. I feel like it may be selfish of me to make my parents and (especially younger siblings) go through this confusing process. But I want to finally be the free me. 

Does anyone have any ideas or advice on how to confirm your gender? As well as ways to Come Out to your family? Thank you and may you have a great day.

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