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Helloooo @Gray_Anteater and welcome!


First off, I want to say that I'm sorry that your parents think you're confused and think you're too young to know who you are and how you identify. It can be hard for some people to recognise that gender is a spectrum, and that our understanding of who we are can evolve over time as we learn more about ourselves. Even though you're young, that doesn't mean that you don't have a firm grasp of who you are and what it means to be you - after all, we expect straight and cisgender teens to know who they are and who they are into, don't we?


That must be incredibly difficult not being able to cut your hair or try out other things that might be helpful for affirming your gender identity and expressing who you really are. I can only imagine how it must feel to be in a body that doesn't reflect the person you are and want to be, but it sounds like a constant and exhausting struggle. What kind of things do you want to explore to make yourself feel more comfortable in your body?


We've got a bunch of fellow young people who are transitioning or exploring their gender identity, so feel free to check out our Gender space and have a chat with some of them! Above all else, I hope you know that you have a community of people here who understand you and accept you for exactly who you are. We're here to listen and support you, even when your parents can't or don't seem to understand 💛

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