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Hi @VioletThistleKoala


Thank you for posting here and sharing what's been going on in your life.

That sounds like a really tough situation... living with housemates definitely comes with its challenges and it can take quite some time for things to feel like the house runs smoothly. 


I also think a conversation needs to be had again with your housemate and maybe you can open up more about how you've felt hurt by the way your housemate brings up problems. From what I read in your post, it doesn't seem like they're being very respectful in their tone of voice and words. That kind of talk can create tense vibes around the house which is definitely not ideal... especially when your home is supposed to be your safe haven. 


Perhaps your housemate is going through something at the moment? But even then, it's not an excuse to treat people poorly. 


I hope your housemate is able to have a respectful and mature conversation with you. I like @Anzelmo 's idea of setting up boundaries and making a 'plan' or 'schedule' to do household chores evenly. Maybe that way the bathroom situation can also be resolved. 


Hope you're doing okay ❤️

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