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Hey there @VioletThistleKoala you are remembered and always welcome to get things off your chest here 😊 


It's great to hear your new counsellor is nice!! Good on you for trying someone new since you weren't clicking with your old counsellor. I hope you form a relationship that allows you to express yourself and dig into the real issues. It sounds like you're ready to open up those conversations to learn more about your past experiences, which is such a huge positive. 


Thanks for the update on the housemate situation, but sorry to hear that you've been feeling disrespected and unacknowledged. It's understandable that you feel that way. Between the comments about you owing them, inauthentic conversations and the comment about learning to play the violin, it's no wonder this situation is upsetting for you. And by the way, I think learning to play the violin is an amazing idea 🎼 Learning something new (esp if you've always wanted to) builds confidence and opens up new opportunities. Learning to play music is so good for mental health as well. You seem like someone who is more than capable of doing hard things, so I say go for it!! Are there any songs or genres, in particular, you're interested in playing? 


As for the personality types question, I don't know a whole lot about it, but I believe we cross paths with many different kinds of people in life, and it's not always easy to be on the same page about things. However, no one theory or quiz can determine your compatibility! Even the most different people can find common ground and show each other respect. You sound like the kind of person who is open-minded and able to do that. In saying that, it's also okay if you aren't vibing your current living circumstances. Have you thought about chatting with your new counsellor about this stuff? 


As I said, we're always here to chat with you, so don't hesitate to reach out when you need it! 😊


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