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My love for Paramore has recently gone through a total revival after finding myself of Hayley Williams tik tok 😍 I was reading an article about her experience with depression, and I want to share it here because it relates to the one thing I wish people knew about mental health. 


On the surface, depression (and any mental health challenge) can be easily misunderstood and stereotyped. People must realise that struggling with mental health is a reaction to painful and confusing things in life. It's the first layer of so many different emotions that are difficult to put into words (which is why I genuinely think anyone who shares their experience here is a legend). 


Here's a lil quote from the article that I really like: 


"One of my biggest healing moments was realising that a lot of my depression was misplaced anger. I really forced it inward, on myself, and it made me feel shame all the time." Anger, she later discovered, could be an energy; a recognition of self-worth. "It helped me understand things that happened throughout my life that weren't right."

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