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Casual scribe

It's ok to fail

I just wanted to make a post reminding everyone that it's ok to fail, whether this be at school, after school, or in life in general. Having back up plans, and back up back up plans is always a good thing, and you'll find your way eventually.

I had a really tough time in school, undiagnosed autistic and ADHD and other general mental health issues, and when I left, I had a terrible ATAR and couldn't get into the course I wanted. I dropped out of a UniReady course and spent the rest of the year gaining experience through volunteering. I completed a Certificate III in Disability and entered the workforce. In the 2.5 years I worked in disability, I attempted two more TAFE courses, of which I dropped out or failed. Working with young people and children was my passion; I realised when I was working in paediatric disability (disabled kids) and peer youth work. So now I've finally made it to where I want to be, doing a Certificate IV in Youth Work. Life isn't perfect and I've still got challenges, but I've found my calling.

Life is tricky, and it's ok to fail. It takes a lot of work and getting back up when you're knocked down, and lots and lots and lots of support. You're not weak for asking for help, and you're not necessarily lost if you don't know where you're headed

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