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International Non-Binary Person's Day!

It’s International Non-binary Person’s Day! Today (and every day) we celebrate and support non-binary people and those who live outside the gender binary 💛💜🖤


What does it mean to be non-binary?

Non-binary can be an umbrella term for lots of different types of gender identities like agender, genderfluid, genderqueer, bigender and more. Someone who is non-binary doesn’t feel like they are either male or female. They may feel like they sit somewhere in the middle of the gender spectrum, or sometimes feel more masculine and other times more feminine, or may feel like they don’t have any gender at all. You can find out more about this here. You can also hear more about my own non-binary journey here 😊


Where can I get support as a non-binary person?

Although we’re here to celebrate non-binary people, it’s important to acknowledge that unfortunately, enby folks still experience discrimination. If you want to learn more about how to cope with transphobia, we have some tips here. You can also post about your experiences in out Gender space to get support from our online community, or reach out to these services:


The Gender Centre (NSW)

Rainbow Door (VIC)

Queerspace (Melbourne)



How do I celebrate being non-binary?

You might like to experiment with your hair, make-up or clothes and experience some gender euphoria! You could read some books, listen to some podcasts or watch TV shows with non-binary people in them (some of my fave enby celebs are Alok Vaid-Menon, Mae Martin, Jonathan Van Ness, Janelle Monae, Bella Ramsay). You could add your pronouns to your social media or proudly wear a NB pin. Whatever it might be that makes you feel safe, accepted, understood and unapoligetically you 💖

What does that look like for you? Let us know below!

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