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Um ok here goes

Fav memory: So back in year 8 I was part of the sound and mic crew for my annuals school musical. I mainly chose crew cos I used to have really bad stage fright but I still wanted to be involved in someway (especially since the production was fantasy themed and I'm a sucker for fantasy). But as I got more involved, I started to really REALLY enjoy it. As well as the sound design job I had I noticed how AMAZING all the designs worked together, how much fun everyone had singing and dancing, how we were all united in telling a story and how everything has a deliberate purpose, how everything's planned and how the impossible  was seemingly made possible (like effects to create the implication of casting spells). I had SUCH a great time that the following year I decided to get over my stage fright and audition for the cast for the next musical. The rehearsals and performances for that a few years ago will forever be one of, if not THE best memeories I'll ever have of high school.


Something I'm looking forward to: uhhhhhh I've been so busy with SACS and exam prep I haven't been looking forward to anything. Maybe catching up on some shows on Netflix I started (whenever that will be am I right?) I AM planning to watch the new Nimona movie once I submit a tricky media assignment but we'll see.


Thanks for the great post idea. Acid out.

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