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Goals for the New Year

As we start the new year within the first couple weeks many people make New Year resolutions and follow them but by the end of the month often enough they stop. I have done this and found that after reflecting on my goals, they were unrealistic. Things like losing weight, going out more, making new friends, travelling etc and by the end of the year I haven't achieved some of these.


So I started making goals that were realistic to my lifestyle to help me achieve those things. By reflecting on what my life is which is very busy between uni and work and structured my goals around them. That way I achieved them and achieved the change I wanted in my life. Also making them within the first week instead of before the New Year to have a chance to reflect on it 


I start with making a big goal e.g. Trying something different each month and spending less time on my phone. 

Then I break it down into smaller goals for throughout the week/year 

Here's some of mine:

- Spending 2-3 days a week on TikTok instead of scrolling each day

- Signing up for new workout challenges with my PT when she offers them and is 3 days a week

- Turning a crappy uni time (4 pm-6 pm on a Friday) into being able to get dinner or go out with friends when I usually don't have the time

- Trying a new recipe or food I don't normally eat 


This way I am not putting so much pressure on that big goal and making it more realistic in my life. Also focusing more on those little ones and then halfway through the year new goals always turn up to replace the old ones.


What are some of your goals and how will you achieve them? 

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