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Hello @Sprouting_Flowers


This is a such a wonderful post! And I do agree that Comparison really get you bothered sometimes and I really what you have shared out to combat it!


3 really resonates with me and I feel like reframing your thoughts and growing from it is such a important thing to do! 


In terms of what I do quieten/ stop self-comparison thoughts, similar to your number 3, I would typically reframe my perspective of he situation to grow as well as to celebrate the achievement of others ( while being mindful of what I could improve and learn 😊)


I also like how you practice gratitude as well, personally I find it much more difficult to really see your own strengths when you are comparing yourself to others so I feel like what you are doing in 1 ( identifying with your strengths and resources) is such a helpful tool to look into as well! Out of curiosity, do you perhaps note these down in a certain way? How do you go about doing 1?


Very curious to hear about it and once again such an insightful post 😊

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