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Hey @Midnight_skylight,

I’d like to start by welcoming you to ReachOut! I’d also like to thank you for being so courageous and sharing your experience with the community. I can imagine just how tough this must be for you and want to emphasise that you’re not alone! Relationships alone can be hard to navigate sometimes but what you’re going through isn’t okay. I am curious to know how long you have been experiencing this for? ReachOut has an article on feeling lonely in a relationship that you might find interesting to read as it touches on potential causes of loneliness and how others navigated loneliness in a relationship. 


Being in a relationship where your feelings and experiences are dismissed and invalidated is extremely hurtful, so feeling emotionally and mentally alone and anxious is completely understandable. I am curious to know if you’ve spoken to anyone about what you’re going through? Like friends, family members or a professional? If you’re looking for free and confidential one-on-one support, ReachOut offers peer chat sessions that might be helpful for you to navigate your feelings and thoughts. 


I can see how resilient and courageous you are by speaking up to your partner about your feelings. This can be so tough seeing as you’ve been dismissed and invalidated on numerous occasions. It is so admirable and inspiring, so you should be really proud of yourself! With what you’re going through it can be hard to navigate and manage your emotions, so I am wondering how you’ve been taking care of yourself during this time? If you’re looking for some ideas this article on self-care includes a few ways you can engage in self-care and look after yourself. 


An email has also been sent to you so please keep an eye out for that!

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