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Hi @Lemons


Thank you for sharing this with us, this sounds really hard to go through as it seems like your life took a 180.


I was like you, very active and social but then i got diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). I couldn't run, walk. I had no energy to go out because RA was so prominent in my life that it sucked everything out of me. I felt like this was my new normal and that my life would just be endless appointments, swollen joints and naps. Thankfully, we found medication that worked for me and my RA is not as prominent in my life as it used be. I play basketball and football now, i go for walks with my cousin's dog and i can see my friends more often now. This took around 7 years for me.


Like what @MagsMae said, there is light at the end of the tunnel. It is really hard what you are going through and i know that saying 'it will get better' may seem redundant now, but it really does get better. It sucks that we can't control the amount of time it takes for our bodies to heal but we can help ourselves by resting when we can and when our body needs it.


You are not lazy and you are not exaggerating at all. What you are feeling is completely valid and you know your own body better than anyone else. Is there someone you are able to bring along to your appointments to help advocate for you and your symptoms? Often doctors would dismiss me and my symptoms but it occured less when i had my parent or grandparent there to 'confirm' what i was going through.


I think doing art and being in nature is something that you should continue to do when you can. It helped me feel better when i was really sick to do things i could do instead of just focusing on what i couldn't do.


I wish you all the best 💚





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