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Thanks @MagsMae thanks for your story I’m starting to agree now that it might not be the end of the world if I graduate 6 months or a year later than my peers and do 3 subjects instead of 4 a sem. I’ve also kind of noticed I enjoy my subjects more when I can take them slower and appreciate the learning process. I saw a really amazing GP today she really took the time to explain things to me and also changed the pill that I was on for another condition I was also diagnosed with this year. She validated the insane nausea and mood swings I was experiencing and that maybe crying uncontrollably for 5 hours about a minor thing wasn’t normal for me. Talking with this GP made me feel a bit better and hopefully will help. Thanks again and I’ll try take on what you said about not pressuring myself - I was studying with a friend today and even though we planned to do something and I just couldn’t I had to go sleep the rest of the day I genuinely felt she just wanted me to feel better and was still keen to catch up later. I’m just worried now when I interact with people I’m an empty shell I don’t feel connected or present talking to people when I’m just so exhausted.

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