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originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:39 PM

Haha @Lost_Space_Explorer5 I think that's so true. I've had similar experiences myself. I think I always had the same sexuality, but I just didn't know what it was called when I was younger.

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:42 PM

@WheresMySquishy so true, sometimes it's not that we change so much as we find the right words to explain who we are. Reminds me of the GR and how labels can sometimes be really helpful 🙂 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:46 PM

Express Yourself GIF by MOODMAN


I love love love this question. There are so many ways to express yourself and we got an amazing response to this question: 


What are some fun ways to express my identity?


THERE ARE SO MANY!!!! For me, I’m an obnoxious outrageous glittery sort of queer. So that means transforming into my drag persona  both for shows and parties, wearing colourful costumes, makeup and most importantly sequins as often as possible. It means putting on gay anthems and (chair) dancing to them with friends, and for me it also meant getting some permanent ink on my bicep to really remind myself of who I am.


But you don’t have to embrace glitter and sequins (and permanent body modification!) to express your identity, because the great thing about the queer community is that it’s so diverse. I have friends that perform at queer comedy or storytelling nights to express themselves, others who use protest and grassroots organising, and many who write as a form of identity expression.


You can make your name or avatar in your fave video game a little queer, choose to only read queer authors this year or bring your rainbow drink bottle to the gym every time you workout. Doing some of these things might be scary the first time round, so if you have somebody you can get to either try it with you or be there to chat to then that’s an ace idea. 

The great thing about being queer is that you get to choose what the identity means for you, and it doesn’t need to be the same thing forever. Have fun and play around with what feels right for you!


- Annie, Content Team 

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:53 PM

I've got glittery shoes! That's it though! Smiley LOL Maybe I should branch out 😛

@Bre-RO I sure hope so, I feel like I don't belong in any community because I haven't had any relationships before 😞 But like I know that's not true. I feel like I can't know what my label is unless I have some sort of 'experience' first. But like I wouldn't expect other people to have experience? I think I just like to second guess and confuse myself and can't deal with uncertainty

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:37 PM

Aww, that's so cute about the puppy! 🙂
I think we often think of gender and other personal characteristics as being black and white, or being one or the other. But multiple truths can coexist.

Star contributor

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:37 PM

I love the bit about the puppy! HeartSmiley LOL I suppose you could always create a character/ write a story about how your ideal self would look/ do. I put a lot of myself into my characters sometimes and it's a good way to explore some things while keeping it distant/ impersonal if that makes sense haha

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:40 PM

I absolutely adore that idea @Hozzles super creative, therapeutic and safe way of expressing identity. Heart 


"multiple truths can coexist" - that is so true and very wise @WheresMySquishy 


@Lost_Space_Explorer5 omg I do that alllll the time. It's like connecting the dots and it all makes sense!

Star contributor

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:23 PM

Awww I love this so much! Heart

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:26 PM

Me too @Hozzles reading through what everyone would say to themselves really made me smile 🙂 

Star contributor

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:02 PM

Me eagerly waiting for this! Smiley LOL

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:05 PM

Hahaha! This has been me all day @Hozzles 


excited nickelodeon GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants