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Ask A Pro Live: Creativity

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I’m super excited for this month's Ask A Pro Live because we are talking about creativity! Studies have shown that activities such as writing can help to process difficult emotions and painting and drawing can help people express experiences that are difficult to put into words. 

Being creative can mean so many different things and there are some very solid reasons why having creativity in your life has some rewarding effects on well being. An article written by Medical News Today goes into more detail, if you’re interested in having a read you can here


We wanted to delve into the idea of creativity being good for mental health and we found the perfect guest to have this live chat with. Rheanna Lotter is an artist and young person who has both accessed ReachOut as a service and has now come full circle and does art for the organisation. Below is a little more about our guest! 


"My name is Rheanna Lotter. I am a proud Yuin woman from the south coast. 

I grew up on Gundungurra Country in the Southern Highlands and am an active member within our Indigenous community. I have been painting since I was a young child, alongside my mother and sister. I named my business Ngandabaa (Yun-da-baa) after my grandfather Keith Thorne in 2014. 


I am extremely honoured to provide custom pieces to Individual's and companies around Australia and the world"


Rheanna has used creativity has a tool to manage mental health and connect with her culture. I feel super lucky that she will be making some time to chat with our community on Wednesday 3rd of June. I'm looking forward to hearing about the role creativity has played in everyone's lives and how we can use this powerful tool better in the future. 


Rheanna is looking forward to answering our questions about creativity and her experience as a Yuin woman and artist. 


Join us live on the 3rd of June from 7:00pm - 9:00 pm (AEDT). 

Bre-ROPosted 29-05-2020 03:08 PM


WheresMySquishyPosted 03-06-2020 07:17 PM

It's great that creativity has improved your wellbeing @Ngandabaa! I've found that creativity has helped me express how I feel when I've gone through tough times too.
I agree with @Hozzles and @JazzInMay. I think your artwork is beautiful. 🙂

NgandabaaPosted 03-06-2020 07:20 PM
Definitely has! I am not sure how to tag people in my reply haha.
But yes art really helped it gave a sense of control which I felt I really lacked around that time

Thank you 🙂
WheresMySquishyPosted 03-06-2020 07:04 PM

Hi @Ngandabaa! Nice to meet you! 🙂

NoaholiverPosted 19-03-2021 02:36 AM

HI i am new to this website  how can i post threads can you guide me mod sir

Bre-ROPosted 19-03-2021 02:01 PM

Hi there @Noaholiver you can create a thread here 

Bre-ROPosted 03-06-2020 07:03 PM

No worries @Hozzles and @JazzInMay 

JazzInMayPosted 03-06-2020 06:56 PM

Thank you for the tag! Similarly, I will likely have to be popping in & out as I am trying to get some work done, but I am interested to get involved in the conversation!

HozzlesPosted 03-06-2020 06:55 PM

Thanks for the tag! I might be popping in and out, but I'll try to be around for the most part! Smiley Very Happy

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