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Struggling with tafe

Hi there, 

I’m currently struggling with my tafe and at I’m not what to if I should keep trying or just give up. I have had several goes and I’m really struggling with my tafe course massage therapy at the end of the day I wish wasn’t so drumb and I wish I was smarter I also have learn difficulties that effort me when I try and studying at tafe. 

bryanaPosted 16-07-2021 06:46 PM


AkinnaPosted 27-12-2021 01:56 AM


I just wanted to say I think you are doing amazing!


Everyone is different. But as someone who just went through high school and tafe with a mental illness, I know it can be really hard. And trust me when I say it's not your fault.


You're doing the best you can, and that's awesome! You might compare yourself to your classmates thinking you're not doing 'good enough.' But that is so not true. The effort they put into studying, you use to get through the day. So it makes sense that you might find the course itself harder because you are already puttting so much energy and effort into getting through the day!


I agree with@Tiny_leaf that it's a problem with the course, not you. Learning difficulties are not your fault. Even if they are invisible, they are just as valid as any other difficulty/disability/illness, visible or invisible. And you deserve the help to study with your difficulties.


I've learnt it's so important to be kind to myself. I try to accept that I have an illness that makes things harder. It's not my fault. And I am doing so well to get through the day, let alone do something. So I deserve some self compassion and kindness because I'm going through something difficult.

Instead of beating myself up for what I don't/can't do, I try to celebrate the things I can do. Even if it's just getting out of be. Making it to class, even if I don't participate at all.

I try to recognise that my best looks different every day, and that's ok. I deserve to be kind to myself.

I hope some of this resonates with you.

I'm so proud of you for trying your best despite the obstacles you have to deal with.

All the best ❤️

bryanaPosted 27-12-2021 06:51 PM

Hi, Akinna
I’m very great full for you’re email
And you’re words of wisdom
Kind regards

Taylor-ROPosted 27-12-2021 11:24 PM

Hi @bryana, just popping in to let you know that I had to make a small edit to your post as it included some details about your real name. Please remember that ReachOut is anonymous for your safety and privacy 💖

Taylor-ROPosted 25-12-2021 10:02 PM

Hi @bryana,


I know it has been a little while, so I wanted to check in on you - how are you going? How did the last few months of studying go for you? ❤️ And Merry Christmas! 🎄

bryanaPosted 26-12-2021 10:32 AM
Hi Taylor,
I’m still struggling with my studies but I am getting help for my tafe counsellor and they are helping me at lot with my studies

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Taylor-ROPosted 26-12-2021 08:35 PM

Hi @bryana


I am sorry to hear that you are still struggling. That must be really hard, especially as it has been a while now. Studying can be a really tough gig. You have done so well to make it to the end of the year. I am glad to hear that you have some support that has helped you to get through this Heart Please feel welcome to keep checking in with us here. We love hearing from you!

Tiny_leafPosted 19-07-2021 07:11 PM

Hi @bryana


TAFE courses can be hard, I struggled with mine a fair bit because of anxiety and concentration issues.


I think that often courses are designed so much for people without learning difficulties that they forget to make things accesible for people who do...

I don't think that you're the problem here, I think that maybe the course has to be adapted to what works for you.


When I was doing my course I needed accomodations like doing exams in a different room. I also left the house at set times every week to go and do my homework somewhere where there were fewer distractions which stopped me putting it off as much.


If you want, I could talk with you about getting extra or more useful accomadations from your tafe, or also about ways you can change how you study so that it suits you better.

I also know a few things that can help with memory if you're intrested in that.

bryanaPosted 19-07-2021 08:09 PM
Yes I’m very interested in getting your help

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Tiny_leafPosted 20-07-2021 11:42 PM

Hi again @bryana, sorry that this took a while.


Some things that can help with memory and concentration can be using scents/ tastes.

So like, maybe you could chew gum while studying and then chew it again 

Or if you use mosturizer or scented soap you could do the same with that.


With homework, I'd normally go somewhere else straight after class and work on my homework a bit before going home, or do my homework as soon as I got home. That way I was still in the right mindset to work and I didn't get as much chance to put it off.


With accomadations, I normally got some around exams, so I'd get a seperate room from my classmates and some time to have a break in the middle so I could cope with my anxiety.

What sort of accomadations are you getting from tafe at the moment?

Is there anything that tafe could change that you think might help?

bryanaPosted 21-07-2021 11:46 AM

I’m currently getting support from a support councillor.
And there’s nothing that tafe could really change

Philippa-ROPosted 21-07-2021 02:53 PM

Hope you don't mind me jumping in @bryana but I just wanted to let you know I edited your post to remove your name in line with our community guidelines.
Sounds like Tiny_leaf has offered some great suggestions re: accessing support and study methods that might help.

Is your counsellor from TAFE? If so, do you think it would be useful to ask them if they could help you ask TAFE for more support?

bryanaPosted 21-07-2021 03:26 PM
Yes my counsellor from tafe. Yes I think that might be more useful

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Philippa-ROPosted 21-07-2021 03:32 PM

Have you been able to tell your TAFE counsellor that you're finding your studies hard @bryana?
I really hope they'll be able to help.

bryanaPosted 21-07-2021 04:59 PM
Yes I have been able to tell them

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Taylor-ROPosted 21-07-2021 10:39 PM

Hey @bryana, that is so great that you have been able to talk to your counsellor at TAFE about this! That must have been so hard for you ❤️ Did you find it helpful?

bryanaPosted 22-07-2021 09:08 AM
Yes I did find it helpful

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Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 17-07-2021 09:16 PM

Hey @bryana I'm sorry you're struggling with your coursework 😞 Studying can be really difficult and it's not uncommon for people to need to postpone or redo units. It sounds like you've got a lot going on but despite that have persevered! It can be unhelpful to give ourselves labels like 'smart' or 'dumb' I reckon, cause it's more about what we do and things change all the time. Also we are so much more than grades and studying


You mentioned you do have someone to talk to about the TAFE stuff, but don't know how to reach out to them? Would something like writing an email be doable or are you struggling to reach out to people right now 😞 ? Is there anything we can do to help?

Sophia-ROPosted 16-07-2021 10:38 PM

Hello @bryana, I am sorry to hear that you feel like you have been struglling with your tafe. Studying can be quite tough at times, and it sucks to hear that you have been having a tough time. Is there anyone at tafe that you could talk to about how you have been feeling or go to for support? Do you have a course teacher that you could possibly talk to? 🙂

bryanaPosted 17-07-2021 10:26 AM
Yes I do have someone I could talk to I just not sure how to go about it

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Sophia-ROPosted 17-07-2021 09:58 PM

It’s great that you have someone that you feel comfortable talking to @bryana. I can understand that you are feeling a bit uncertain about how to approach them though. Is there something in particular that you are worried about?

bryanaPosted 17-07-2021 10:33 PM
I’m worried about not passing my course and I’m really struggling with my course

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Maddy-ROPosted 18-07-2021 09:16 AM

Hey @bryana


What aspects of the course do you find difficult? For instance, some people may find the content hard to understand (i.e., reading/learning about different concepts, following lecture-slides), or find writing essays difficult, or struggle with memorising things for exams, or go blank during exams due to anxiety, or find it hard to get motivated and leave things to the last minute, or find managing the workload in general quite difficult. Which of these apply to you?


Also, if you have a diagnosed learning disorder, you can let the university know and they can make accomodations for you. Have you considered this?

bryanaPosted 18-07-2021 10:24 AM
I’m struggling with understanding the course and remembering things and I tend to go blank during a assessment due to anxiety and I find it hard to get motivated to do my homework and leave it to the last minute. Also tafe are aware of my learning difficulties. I have support from my lectures and a support teacher.
Maddy-ROPosted 18-07-2021 12:35 PM

Aw. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm glad to hear that you have support in place though. Have you spoken to the university about your recent concerns? Perhaps they can put in some extra accommodations for you.

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