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Weekly Wellbeing Activity: Making time for fun and enjoyment!

Weekly Wellbeing Activity- This week is all about making time for FUN and ENJOYMENT!


The middle part of the year can be really busy! With the study holidays for school, tafe and university fast approaching, this week's activity is about making time for activities that you find fun and enjoyment in!



Everyone has a unique experience of what brings enjoyment to life- here's a whole bunch of examples:

  1. Soaking in the bathtub
  2. Watching a movie
  3. Remembering beautiful scenery
  4. Planning a holiday
  5. Spending time with others
  6. Getting outside in nature
  7. Jogging, walking or exercise
  8. Listening to music
  9. Writing
  10. Reading
  11. DIY projects
  12. Being around animals eg: pets!

Can you list any more?


This week's activity:

1. What activities/things do you do that give you a feeling of enjoyment or fun?

2. What is one thing you will build into your week this week for fun/enjoyment?


Here's my example:

1. I really enjoy exercise, arts and craft, watching a funny movie/tv show, having a laugh with my friends or watching funny dog or cat videos on youtube. 

2. This week I am going to make time for fun by doing some soccer training with a friend on the weekend



Jess1-ROPosted 19-06-2019 03:55 PM


WheresMySquishyPosted 24-06-2019 12:00 AM

1. What activities/things do you do that give you a feeling of enjoyment or fun?
I love watching movies and YouTube videos, reading, writing in a journal, playing videogames, doing puzzles, listening to music, exploring new places, enjoying nature, shopping and hanging out with my family.

2. What is one thing you will build into your week this week for fun/enjoyment?
This week, I wrote a few journal entries, which I haven't done for a long time. I took some silly photos to add to the entries. Smiley Tongue

Jess1-ROPosted 25-06-2019 04:16 PM

I have loved reading through these fun and enjoyable activities this afternoon!

@Hozzles - I love the idea of re-watching the hunger games- the nostalgia GR has got me thinking about all the shows I need to re-watch!

@lennycat2017- Tree tops is brilliant! Hope you had a fab time!

@WheresMySquishy - Adding some photos to journalling sounds like a really great addition to bring the words to life and add even more fun

lennycat2017Posted 23-06-2019 04:26 PM

1. What activities/things do you do that give you a feeling of enjoyment or fun?

I love connecting with people to have fun, I also really enjoy exploring new places! 


2. What is one thing you will build into your week this week for fun/enjoyment?

This week I am going to plan to adventure to a tree-top course with my little cousin Smiley Happy 

MisoBearPosted 19-06-2019 06:11 PM

1. What activities/things do you do that give you a feeling of enjoyment or fun?

I love watching Youtube videos and tv, but I try to also pair this with some physical exercise (so I'll go to the gym and watch youtube or listen to a podcast).
I also really enjoy listening to music and singing along.

2. What is one thing you will build into your week this week for fun/enjoyment?

I'm going to start my day by listening to some new music to get me in a good mood.
Image result for gif it's a bop

HozzlesPosted 20-06-2019 10:35 PM

1. What activities/things do you do that give you a feeling of enjoyment or fun?
That's a hard question, because I find I can make anything enjoyable if I'm in the right mood/ with the right setting. Smiley LOL Mostly reading, watching a movie, writing or doing something else creative, listening to music, being silly with friends/ family, playing video games, exercising, and hanging out with pets. 

2. What is one thing you will build into your week this week for fun/enjoyment?

I'm going to rewatch all the Hunger Games movies for nostalgia and just because. I already started and finished the first one today. Smiley Tongue I also hope to get some more reading! 

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