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Weekly Wellbeing: Everyday Gratitude

Weekly Wellbeing: Everyday Gratitude


This week's activity is about learning to be mindful of good things in life, no matter how small they are. Practising gratitude is a fantastic way to keep things in perspective and remind ourselves that throughout really tough times, there are good times to be had. ReachOut has a great article about the how and why of practising gratitude.



The things which we can be grateful for can be significant things in our lives, or they can be small incidental things which happen everyday, such as the sun shining or someone smiling at us. We have a wonderful thread on the forums Today I'm Grateful For... if you need some inspiration or further examples.



This week's activity:

1. Take a few minutes out of your day to find 3 things that you're grateful for. These things can be as big or as small as you like. Please feel free to share below!

2. How did this activity make you feel? Is this something you would like to make part of your daily routine?

mrmusicPosted 26-08-2020 12:01 PM


celestialdreamerPosted 28-08-2020 09:25 PM

Today I'm grateful for my sister. She just kept doing super kind things for me, like she invited me to go on a walk, she made me a smoothie, and made me dinner. Also earlier in the week I wasn't feeling great, she came into my room and noticed I had fallen asleep with my laptop and homework on my bed so she moved it all to my desk and made sure I was comfortable. I'm also grateful for the absolutely beautiful weather today, the sun was out and it was so warm! The final thing I'm grateful for today is my super comfy bed 🙂


This activity really made me feel great, and it gave me the opportunity to stop and think for a second about the things/people in my life that I am so blessed to have and to take a moment to consciously appreciate them. I do try to do some type of gratitude journalling at least once a week, but I'm really trying to be more conscious of the wonderful things in my life.

Janine-ROPosted 31-08-2020 03:33 PM

Today I'm grateful for: 


1. A hot cup of tea at my desk

2. Being able to take a walk at lunchtime in the sun, and noticing all of the plants in bloom - love all of the signs of spring! 

3. Zoom/FaceTime/Skype - I have a bit of a love hate relationship with all of these things, but having a lot of family interstate and overseas, it's so lovely to be able to have a chat face to face, it will probably be a long time before we can see each other in person again. We've started doing zoom family 'dinners' every fortnight and it's awesome to be able to chat and have a few laughs 

Wolfie_Posted 28-08-2020 07:50 PM
Today I am grateful for:
1. making amazing progress with my art business
2. having the overwhelming support of my family, partner and friends
3. staying safe and healthy during a pandemic

I thoroughly enjoy practising gratitude and have already started to incorporate it isn't my weekly routine. Every Sunday night I journal and write down everything I am grateful for. What a great thread idea!
WheresMySquishyPosted 28-08-2020 07:16 PM

Today, I'm grateful for:
1. Being able to go the shops yesterday! I walked so much that I'm limping today and there wasn't a lot of good things to buy, but I got to see some new shops that had opened up.
2. I'm grateful that I don't have a lot of medical appointments at the moment. For three or four months, I had been having them at least once a week up until last week. I still have another test to do next month, but we already know that the problem is not anything sinister.
3. All the new video games that have come out recently!

I sometimes do gratitude journaling, but I don't do it every day. It makes me feel a bit better if I'm having a bad day.

JullyBeanPosted 26-08-2020 04:43 PM

@mrmusic I love this activity so much. I am noticed a real difference in my mood since starting a gratitude journal each night. I feel like I sleep easier since doing this as it starts to clear and organise my thoughts before sleeping, especially if I have had a bad day.

Three things i'm grateful for today are:
1. My chiropractor! She relieved a lot of tension behind my ears today so I'm hoping my headaches will go away now.

2. The sun being out and it being a little warmer as it hasn't been such good weather here in a while. Spring is so close!!

3. My beautiful mum for just existing.

I haven't done this task during the day before and I really liked that it made me take a moment to just stop and think, it was a little meditative in a way to be honest. 


November13Posted 31-08-2020 05:02 PM

Today I'm grateful for:

1. My musical friends who love music as much as I do!

2. My planner. It makes planning my day so much easier and helps me focus since I don't need to remember what to do for the week.

3. My housemates who are so easy going and considerate!


I have been doing this almost daily for 4 years now, but this thread reminded me to take my time and truly feel grateful instead of just getting the job done.

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