Weekly Wellbeing
Hey everyone, happy middle of the week!
This week, I thought it could be interesting to do two rather different wellbeing tasks: saying yes and saying no to things

Sometimes we find ourselves always agreeing to do things with other people or for other people, when really, we might just want to spend the night curled up with a movie or a book instead!

It can be really draining when people take for granted the amount of effort you put in for them, and it can be hard to say no when you feel obligated to do something.
By the same token, we can also get into the habit of never saying yes to things, and miss out on a fun event or good opportunity as a result!

So for this week, two WW activities are:
1) Saying no to something/someone when you're really not feeling up to it or need some space to yourself (totally understand that this is hard sometimes, it doesn't have to be big!
2) Say yes to something you might usually say 'nah' to, or where you might be hesitant to try something new, can be as simple or as big as you like too! 😄
Keen to hear what you all try! 😄
(you can say no to this one though 😉 :P)
ecla34Posted 13-11-2019 05:38 PM