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Weekly Wellbeing: Superpowers

Everybody has a superpower!



It might be that you are a star in the kitchen, serving up amazing meals for your family. Perhaps you are the best person to go to for advice, imparting wisdom to your friends whenever they’re in need. 


Whatever it is we want to hear what you’re exceptionally good at! 


We realise it isn’t always easy to figure out what our superpowers are or to voice them - but that’s why this is a well-being activity. Take some time to reflect on the things you do, the compliments people give you or your past achievements.




What is your Superpower? 


When was a time you rescued someone with your Superpower?  



Bre-ROPosted 14-08-2019 04:33 PM


Looking-From-A-DistancePosted 29-08-2019 08:59 PM
SuperPower: This makes me both uncomfortable and happy: there are real moments when I look at an object and I get an "impression" or "call it an insight?" regarding who owns the object. There is no evidence to suggest who the owner is, but it slightly scary that I just 'know.'
That's the clearest way I can describe it.
tjayne19Posted 27-08-2019 05:27 PM

Sometimes i find it hard to think of things i am good at so it was good to give this some thought! As i don't give myself enough credit sometimes.


What is your Superpower? 

My superpower is the ability to listen and give a family member or friend a shoulder to lean on when they need it. I often find that friends come to me for advice and I like to make someone feel even that little bit lighter when they are going through a tough time. 

When was a time you rescued someone with your Superpower?  

Last week my friend said she was feeling anxious and overwhelmed and i gave her some of my self care tips and listened while she explained why she was feeling this way. 

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 17-08-2019 10:32 AM

Ooh~ I'm glad I found this one!

1. Well, I have many talents, but I'm not sure if they're really superpowers...
I can draw really well, and I'm a very arty person. I play multiple instruments, including the accordion, violin and flute. I love performing arts, and have gotten very involved with them and gotten very good at them. But those are my talents, not my superpowers.

My mum was talking to me in the car on the way to youth group last night, and she said that my brother was going through the same problem I had in Primary school. She told me this, because I caught him harming himself. He thought he was a bad friend, because his friends kept running away from him. And all the kids he tried to hang out with, told him to go away. When I found this out, my mum asked me to be there for him. My brother likes to talk to me, especially about life problems that our mum doesn't really get told about. I guess people come to me when they need someone to be there for them, or I see them needing someone. Even here on the forums, I try my best to help others. I guess that's my super power.

2. I guess I use it everyday. So many people, here and in real life, I help when I can.

Bre-ROPosted 23-08-2019 02:45 PM

Awesome Superpowers everyone!! I really enjoyed reading through them. 


@xXLexi_Lou122Xx  I'd definitely agree that one of your superpowers is supporting others Heart Here on the forums but also with your family - its really nice that you can be there for your brother as it sounds like he is going through a hard time. Just wanted to let you know I had to edit your post as it wasn't in line with our community guidelines. 

WheresMySquishyPosted 16-08-2019 10:58 PM

What is your Superpower? 
I think one of my strengths is being honest. I'm able to speak my mind and articulate how I feel about things. I'm not afraid to disagree with someone in a kind or constructive way. I also try to be true to myself. I don't promise things that I'm not intending to deliver on.

When was a time you rescued someone with your Superpower?  
People often ask for my feedback and I give it to them and suggest ways that things can be improved.

Puppies026Posted 21-08-2019 12:29 PM

That is such a great quality to have @WheresMySquishy ! Definitely would consider it a superpower because a lot of times what people really need is the truth, even if it is hard to handle somtimes that is the best thing you can do for them! 🙂

I couldn't agree more @xXLexi_Lou122Xx, that definitely sounds like a superpower that is hard to come across! The people in your life are so lucky to have someone like you and I can definitely see this power of yours from just the forums 😄

What is your Superpower?
I think one of my greatest powers would be my ability to lighten up the mood with jokes and my goofiness. It is my ability to see the funny side to every situation but also be able to stop and have a serious conversation when needed.

When was a time you rescued someone with your Superpower?
I think often when my friends are going through a tough time or are having a bad day, I will go over and see them and talk about things before cheering them up and helping them forget the bad things that are happening simply by being my jokey and goofy self!

It may feel weird to talk about the things we say we are good at but I think it is so important to be able to self-reflect and acknowledge the things we are actually really good at! (Just like we would in a friend)

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 21-08-2019 04:05 PM
That's a pretty good superpower @Puppies026!
Being pretty goofy and humourous is awesome. I have that superpower too, but not as much as some people have.

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