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5 random things about you!

It's time for 5 random things! Man Very Happy

Let's try and make it as random as possible.


1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner

2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.

3. I love walruses!!!!!

4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest

5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs


Sophie-ROPosted 19-07-2012 05:36 PM

Comments (41 pages)

PhyDaWolfPosted 04-09-2018 02:26 PM

1. I make weird animal noises when I'm by myself.

2. I have several old dead phones in my room that don't work. Not all of these are mine.

3. I think that the Sims has helped me have a good eye for aesthetics.

4. I wear "men's" body spray but "woman's" deodorant.

5. One of the only thinks I drink is Arizona Southern Style Sweet Tea. 

KittysumirePosted 29-08-2018 02:12 PM
  1. I Love Blasting Kpop as loud as I can and as long as I can. 
  2. I am a writer 
  3. To my church friends and a couple of older friends I am and alway will be  Mama Bear. 
  4. Anime is my life. 
  5. I cant stop reading to save my life. 
N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-08-2018 10:45 AM
I don't think I've seen you around the forums yet @Kittysumire, so welcome! 😄 😄 😄
InsecurePosted 30-08-2018 10:34 AM

OMG, twinsies! I listen to mainly BTS and Day6. I love writing but I never finish my stories, lol! In anime, yaoi is life! And I love reading too!! What books do you read?

KittysumirePosted 31-08-2018 10:48 AM

I read anything to everything. I may have read a couple of 12 Math books in seventh grade. BTS is life. I have been an army ever since  they debuted. 

InsecurePosted 31-08-2018 10:56 AM

YAAAAAS! I love BTS, I've just recently came to love them and omg, they are amazing! Not really a maths person, though, lol. I swear my teacher gets frustrated at me for asking the dumbest questions. Smiley LOL

KittysumirePosted 31-08-2018 12:03 PM

My Bias is Namjoon and Suga. How about you? Sometimes teachers ask me a question and I dont reply. I can almost feel people judging me because I am the nerd of the classrooms.

InsecurePosted 31-08-2018 12:16 PM

I absolutely love Jimin, he's such a cutie. Then there's the rest of BTS wrecking my bias when they do something either ovary exploding or puppy cute, LOL! I feel super awkward too whenever I'm on my computer in class and I've got either BTS or anime on my screen, haha! But it makes for a funny story that I tell to my friends later.

KittysumirePosted 31-08-2018 12:20 PM

There have been many times when I am in class a classmate of mine yells " Kitty likes Asian boys". And about at that point I am a Tomato in class. I watched one of their music vids and Jimin, jungkook and jhope were hip thrusting in Baepsae and some yelled "Get some, Kitty Cat" 


Me that Day- 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅

InsecurePosted 31-08-2018 12:36 PM

Awwww, lol! What happens with me is that I spontaneously break out into the 'Fire' choreography and I do the washing face like move and my friends just like inch away from me, pretending to not know me lol!!!!!! I love what Jimin does with his hips in the MIC Drop mv

KittysumirePosted 31-08-2018 04:03 PM
I think I am in love with you. Jimin boy got biceps 💪
InsecurePosted 31-08-2018 05:12 PM

Lol, I just love his personality and that cute face!

litgymPosted 29-08-2018 08:49 PM

1. i love poetry !!

2. my favourite book is see you at harry’s.

3. i have a passion for sewing

4. i also loveee doing my makeup and nails

5. shameless u.s is amazing !

youcandothisPosted 20-08-2018 09:33 PM

Here goes... 


1. I have 4 cats, 2 dogs (whippets) and 1 turtle! 

2. I learnt up to Year 12 French (bonjour) 

3. I've played piano for 11 years and had clarinet, saxophone, drumming and singing lessons. 

4. I much prefer listening to 70s and 80s music (ABBA, The Beatles, Elton John, David Bowie) rather than modern music 

5. When I was young I used to have a very strange obsession with pigs Smiley LOL 

InsecurePosted 03-08-2018 08:38 PM

ummmmm, here goes nothing

1. I really love singing but I feel insecure about singing in front of people 

2. I love anime specifically shounen ai, lol 

3. I can't maintain a friendship for more than 3 years, they always fall apart

4. I seriously love reading 

5. I watch BTS videos when I'm feeling down 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 12-08-2018 07:05 PM
Welcome to the forums @Insecure! 😄 What are some of your favourite books? We have a books thread linked below if you want to check it out 🙂
Morgan241191Posted 31-07-2018 03:51 PM

1.  I adore The Beatles, Queen, David Bowie and Elton John 🎶

2.  My favourite book series is Throne of Glass 📚

3.  I’ve never finished any of the stories I’ve started writing 📝

4.  I love outer space 🌌

5. My favourite movie is Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 📺

N1ghtW1ngPosted 01-08-2018 02:03 PM
Hey there @Morgan241191 and welcome to ReachOut 😄 What sort of stories do you like to write?
Jesssister2001Posted 04-07-2018 10:44 PM

1. I love spaghetti with mayonnaise on top

2. I have 9 siblings

3.i have weak ankles

4. I can dislocate my knee and shoulder

5. I love mushrooms 

BubblycocoPosted 27-05-2018 08:13 PM



  1. I LOVE ROLLERCOASTERS and am hoping to go to all of the Six Flags!giphy


  2. Every time I go to the shops I either get a Boost Juice or/and Sushi!
  3. My star sign is CancerFlawedVariableCorydorascatfish-max-1mb


  4. My favourite fruit are strawberriesgiphy


  5. My favourite colour is amethyst (purple)Rosas-Moradas-89581



Peace Out! Heart



DruidChildPosted 14-06-2018 09:30 AM

@Bubblycoco it's nice to 'meet' you, I don't think we've spoken before 🙂 Amesthyst is soooo pretty!! What kind of sushi is your go to? 


1. I have three siblings (well, two and an honorary one, but it counts Smiley Tongue

2. I want to learn to play the guitar but I haven't decided between bass or acoustic yet! 

3. When I get married I want nasturtiums and jasmine as the wedding flowers 

4. My favourite colour combo is blue and orange! 

5. The most recently played album on my Spotify is Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge 

BubblycocoPosted 15-06-2018 10:36 PM

Hey @DruidChild it's nice to 'meet' you too! Well my go to sushi is either a tuna and cucumber roll or a deluxe box thing from Sushi Sushi! Yum!!!!!





Tammy_Mx17Posted 18-05-2018 08:26 PM


1: I absolutely LOVE motocross

2: I have 3 dogs, 2 cats, and 6 birds 

3: I love the movie Love Simon 

4: My fav food is probably........ Sweet stuff

5: I live in Queensland, Australia with my mum, dad, grandma and older brother 🙂

kawaiiprincessPosted 18-05-2018 08:47 AM

1. im a massive geek 

2. i love anime 

3. music is my escape

4. i love purple 

5. im gay  (bisexual) 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 19-05-2018 11:34 AM
Hey there @kawaiiprincess! 🙂 What's your favourite anime?

Welcome to ReachOut @Tammy_Mx17! 😄 What kind of breed (and species :P) are your pets? Sweet stuff is always the best kind of stuff 😄
I also edited your post so your location is less-specific, to help remain more anonymous 🙂 See you around the forums! 😄

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