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5 random things about you!

It's time for 5 random things! Man Very Happy

Let's try and make it as random as possible.


1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner

2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.

3. I love walruses!!!!!

4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest

5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs


Sophie-ROPosted 19-07-2012 05:36 PM

Comments (41 pages)

Tammy_Mx17Posted 20-05-2018 06:34 PM

@N1ghtW1ng Hey and thank you. My dog's breeds are a Labrador cross Golden retriever, A cattle dog cross kelpie, and a maltese cross poodle. My cat's breeds are a ragdoll cross and a domestic cat and just recently 1 of my birds died so we now have 5 and there are 2 rainbow lorikeets, 2 ringnecks and now 1 princess parrot.

CheeseburgerPosted 19-05-2018 11:47 AM

1. I love the Hunger games

2. I love Greys anatomy

3. I love BMX

4. I love Percy Jackson

5. I love my family

N1ghtW1ngPosted 19-05-2018 12:13 PM
@Cheeseburger YES to Percy Jackson!! 😄 😄
CheeseburgerPosted 19-05-2018 12:14 PM

I love Percy Jackson it’s a cool movie @N1ghtW1ng

Annihilator3Posted 19-05-2018 03:34 PM

1. I could read the fastest in my whole school. 

2. I love reading fantasy. Particularly the inheritance cycle, harry potter series and the percy jackson series.

3. Im amazing at sniping in video games, never lost a 1v1.

4. I really like pissing people off.

5. I have no friends because my old friends created lies about me and blamed made up wrongs on me.

Bonus: i have cyclothymia (toned down bipolar disorder)

N1ghtW1ngPosted 21-05-2018 09:41 AM
@Annihilator3 fantasy is the best 😄

@Tammy_Mx17 they all sound adorable! I'm sorry to hear about your bird though 🙂
ZeldasmilePosted 13-05-2018 06:17 PM

1. I don't make friends easily

2. I used to put on a German accent and talk, only to find out that some of the words I used in my made up German were actually real German words that meant what I wanted them to mean.

3. I procrastinate a lot.

4. I've had a crush on all of my friends. (I am a straight female who makes friends with guys)

4.I'm bad at counting.

5. I am kind of a psychopath.

Bree-ROPosted 14-05-2018 06:15 PM

Hey @Zeldasmile sounds like you have a bit on your mind - you mentioned you feel you are a psychopath? If you wanted to get some extra support from the community feel free to start a thread here

ZeldasmilePosted 15-05-2018 07:18 PM

@Bree-RO It's not that I feel like I'm a psychopath, it's that I quite literally have a psychosis. I also get severe anxiety and panic attacks, and sometimes hear or see things that aren't there. Those are unrelated to the psychosis, but they still have a severe effect on my life. I haven't really told anybody though. They just think I seem depressed.

j95Posted 14-05-2018 09:04 PM

1. My favourite shoes to wear right now are nikes

2. I sometimes wish i had a cat

3. My dogs are my entire life

4. I have spent many years eating cereal and driving every morning but i have to stop now because i nearly crashed my car/spilt it allll over myself one day 😞

5. im going to be a real uncle in october 

mrmusicPosted 14-05-2018 09:38 PM

Congratulations on becoming an uncle in October @j95 🙂 How are you feeling about that?

j95Posted 14-05-2018 09:41 PM
sounds pretty good and im excited @mrmusic i dont know much or anything like that cause its my half brothers baby but he had to go away for a little bit but im not sure when he will be back
DarcyBoydPosted 04-05-2018 11:04 PM

1. I am a huge 5SOS fan and I travelled from Adelaide to Sydney to go to their concert. 

2. I am also a huge RuPaul's Drag Race fan and my favourite contestant of all time is Trixie Mattel

3. I am currently writing a story about a Catholic boarding school called "Elastic Ties"

4. I am currently studying the Bachelor of Education (Primary) at university 

5. I am into conspiracy theories 

AutumnRose2911Posted 08-04-2018 01:07 PM

This seems like a nice thing to do, so I guess:

1. I'm constantly listening to music, especially pop punk (: 

(My fav bands, All Time Low, Mayday Parade, Panic, State Champs, The Maine - and so much more)

2. I like writing and reading

3. I enjoy snowboarding a lot, not actually good at it though

4. I played cello and piano

5. My favourite colour is maroon/burgundy  

N1ghtW1ngPosted 09-04-2018 11:13 AM
Hello there @AutumnRose2911 and welcome to ReachOut! 😄 Those are some great bands 😄 Have you ever been to a concert?
AutumnRose2911Posted 16-04-2018 10:38 AM
Yeah i have, so grateful for those experiences too. I've been to All Time Low, The Vamps and Shawn Mendes twice. (:
Joy159Posted 30-03-2018 01:27 AM

1. I think unicorns are awsome

2. I’m asexual 

3. I’m sad all the time 

4. I would like new friends

5. Oversized sweaters are the best 

ZayaQuarkPosted 09-04-2018 08:21 PM

oversized sweaters are definitely the best! unquestionably so. i tend to wear them more in winter bc its cold, that was a fundamentally obvious statement, but you get what i mean, hopefully. but i love clothes that are too big on me, they are so comfy, i think my biggest fear is skinny jeans, jk, they aren't really my biggest fear, but i really don't like them. 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 30-03-2018 05:22 PM
@ZayaQuark Lucy was definitely one of my favourites too 🙂

Welcome to ReachOut @Joy159! 😄 Unicorns and oversized sweaters are the bomb! What sort of hobbies do you like to do? Group meet-ups and clubs can sometimes be a great way to make new friends 🙂
ZayaQuarkPosted 26-03-2018 06:27 PM

I am a nerd about a lot of different things (physics, Disney, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, the Maze Runner, anything by Terry Pratchett, star wars, a lot of other things, but those are the main ones)

I have been told that I sneeze like a bird (does anyone know how that works)

i can play darts really well

my favourite snack is sumo oreos

my favourite animals are lions (mostly bc of Aslan from Narnia)


"impossible is a mere theory" and "definition of flying: throwing yourself at the ground and missing"

N1ghtW1ngPosted 28-03-2018 10:27 AM
AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh @ZayaQuark Terry Pratchett is one of my favourite authors! 😄 😄 😄 I'm currently re-reading a bunch of his books 😛 Is Aslan your favourite character from Narnia?
ZayaQuarkPosted 28-03-2018 07:58 PM

Aslan is sort of a given, but I think I actually like Lucy the best, mostly because of her enduring faithfulness, although that's more in the movies than the books, but also Edmund, because, even though he did the wrong thing/was pretty naive at the start, he became strong in his loyalty after that.

Nightruner23Posted 28-02-2018 06:32 PM

1 have a platinum  blonde hair some of it growing it more in the color

2 i have a tattoo and planning to get more 

3 i love the smell of the rain and i love stroms

4 i always wear black 

5 i love dark souls 🙂 

TxyrePosted 10-02-2018 07:02 PM

Since I'm new here I thought I'd introduce myself this way. 


1. I'm still very slightly cross-eyed despite multiple childhood surgeries.

2. I've never gotten a nose bleed in my life.

3. I can't stand the smell of cooking meat.

4. I don't like the way sand feels which kinda ruins the beach for me.

5. I have a scar on my back and nobody remembers how I got it. 

Nightruner23Posted 28-02-2018 07:10 PM

I have lazy eyes my left eye takes longer to get information then the right eye 

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