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Never have I ever - Confession game

Okay, it's 3:30 AM and I wan't to make a confession so this is how I'm going to do it. Do you guys know that drinking game "never have I ever". Basically, if you have done a certain thing, then you have to drink once it's mentioned. For example "never have I ever cheated on my bf/gf" you would drink if you have. However, since we can't "drink" over the forum,nor do I encourage heavy drinking, comment if you've been there. If not, feel free to start a new confession and see how many people have done the same. I hope this made sense and I hope everyone can get something off their chest. I also want to see how crazy you guys are. I'll go first:



Stalked my ex boyfriend on facebook even after getting in a new relationship 


Glass_half_fullPosted 17-12-2015 04:08 AM

Comments (7 pages)

j95Posted 13-01-2016 12:14 AM
Never have I ever tried to walk my dog while riding my skateboard causing an huge chaos between other pedestrians and a couple of motorists
stonepixiePosted 12-01-2016 11:26 PM
Never have I ever been so excited to drive that I forgot to display my p plates and the cops had an rbt around the corner.
j95Posted 12-01-2016 11:46 PM
@stonepixie that happened to me!!! My back plate fell off and they warned me and I got in trouble then i got a parking ticket and then heading home the same way I got nabbed for leaving my licence at home 😖😖😖

Never have I missed 3 trains in a row
stonepixiePosted 12-01-2016 11:12 PM
Never have I ever jay walked in front of the cop shop.
j95Posted 12-01-2016 11:15 PM
@stonepixie 😮

never have i ever used someone else ID (I was underage and reallllly wanted to get into a gig) haha
MyvoPosted 12-01-2016 10:49 PM

Never have I ever pulled a door that you're meant to push to open it

j95Posted 12-01-2016 10:55 PM
never have I ever jay-walked (i just love that its got my name in it hahaha)
stonepixiePosted 12-01-2016 10:35 PM
Never have I ever been passive aggressive towards a housemate.
MyvoPosted 12-01-2016 06:20 PM

Never have I ever fallen asleep and forgetting to remove my makeup from a night out Smiley Indifferent

j95Posted 12-01-2016 06:29 PM
never have i ever accidentally walked out of a shop without paying for something
j95Posted 08-01-2016 07:46 PM
Oh right @stonepixie fair enough I've woken slumped against the kitchen bench haha
N1ghtW1ngPosted 12-01-2016 03:56 PM
Sounds fun 😛
N1ghtW1ngPosted 12-01-2016 03:57 PM
@j95 @stonepixie I've once woken up with my sleepingbag around the other way. (and I did not go to bed that way. In the night my sleeping bag spun around.
stonepixiePosted 08-01-2016 07:45 PM
It is called a big night! Still puzzled as to why not the bed when it was closer.
j95Posted 08-01-2016 07:43 PM
At your desk yeah... but under ?? @stonepixie haha
stonepixiePosted 08-01-2016 07:42 PM
I think it is pretty self explanatory @j95 and @N1ghtW1ng.
j95Posted 08-01-2016 01:12 AM
@stonepixie please explain

Never have I ever written a note to somebody about their atrocious parking
N1ghtW1ngPosted 08-01-2016 07:44 AM
I second @j95, @stonepixie explain. Please.

Never have I ever eaten an entire packet of food in less than 30 minutes.
stonepixiePosted 08-01-2016 01:05 AM
Never have I ever woken up under my desk.
stonepixiePosted 05-01-2016 07:31 PM
Never have I every wrapped a gift card up to look loke something else.
FootyFan26Posted 05-01-2016 10:54 PM
How could you even do that @stonepixie?

Never have I ever broken someone elses property and lied about it to their face (which I am not proud of).
N1ghtW1ngPosted 06-01-2016 04:03 AM
@FootyFan26 stick it in a box?

Never have I ever being told to insult a teacher. (By the teacher! He wanted to demonstrate what the word meant. 😛 (I mean i nEnglish class)
mimbochiPosted 07-01-2016 11:34 AM

Never have I ever been so tired I accidentally used hairspray as deodorant (this morning my goodness am I tired today and also thanks to the hairspray feeling a little sticky under the old armpits haha)

j95Posted 07-01-2016 11:36 AM
@mimbochi it's ok I once put my ex partners foundation on my toothbrush instead of toothpaste
Craycray17Posted 05-01-2016 01:40 PM
Hehehehe all good @Myvo!

Never have I ever watched 3 episodes of a TV show in 2 weeks whilst also finishing several assignments that week

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